Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Social Media Marketing Success

“How To Grow Your List, Increase Loyalty And Make More Money Using the Power of Facebook GUARANTEED!”  
Have you ever wondered how successful entrepreneurs, small
business owners and online marketers gain massive exposure?
And can generate almost any amount of money on demand; have
very lucrative business clients literally begging to work with
them…whilst making it seem very, VERY easy? 
It used to be that they could achieve this from emailing their list alone, however evolution is happening and that is why I’d like to share with you the 4 biggest business changes I’ve discovered about running successful online businesses. Changes it’s taken both Karen and myself a year or so to figure out and fine tune…
Pay close attention, as knowing these 4 things could make the difference between whether you have a REAL business and your customers constantly rave about you or you’re kept in the dark with NO real chance of making it big…
#1: Email marketing Is NOT Enough To Truly grab your customers’ attention
A lot of entrepreneurs, small business owners and online marketers think that having a massive email list is the best way to making money FAST!
We know, because we used to think just like this…
But now, after having tested what works, we can tell you that is absolutely FALSE.
Sure, having a BIG email list used to be great to generate money…
But the DEMISE of email marketing means it’s even more important to leverage social media…
During 2011 My own email open rates plummeted from 40% down to 20% due to the way people interact online…More people are opting to connect via Facebook…
So if you REALLY want to connect with your customer, ensuring you’re the only person they seek out to do business with you’ve got to first connect on a intimate level…And the best way to do that is through a personal Face-to-face meeting…..(or connecting regularly via Facebook and Skype)
You probably already know that customers are programmed to ONLY buy on an emotional response…
But what most entrepreneurs, small business owners and online marketers DON’T know is this:
YOUR reputation is critical to getting customers to know, like and trust you and when you create an ultimate bond with your customers…
Your response for sales can be significantly increased, we’ve noticed a response of SEVEN TIMES asmany as any other marketing strategy we have used before!
Ask any customer and they will tell you………no email or letter will ever replace ‘face-to-face’ (or video) meetings…
But we also know that to run a successful business you have to leverage your time, it’s NOT possible to get around and meet face-to-face with all your customers on an intimate level…that’s where you can truly leverage the power of the Social Media Platforms!!
Change Number #2: Customers Don’t Like Spending Their Precious Time having Face-to-Face meetings…..They Actually Only Need To Feel The ‘Know – Like – Trust’ Connection Before Doing Business With You!
Here’s another thing most entrepreneurs, small business owners and online marketers don’t know… when you have conversation with a customer face-to-face, a connection is made on a sub conscious level (this same type of connection can be made on Facebook)and the more they get this time with you they start to…know you…like you…and TRUST you even more!
Online relationship building on social media networks is like putting the offline networking models on steroids and can NOW be achieved in many ways now due to modern technology …….without even leaving the office!

Change Number #3: Traditional Methods For Marketing Your Business Are Ineffective, Expensive And No Longer Providing A Good Return On Investment For Business Owners Because YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE Have Changed The Way They Wish To Receive YOUR COMMUNICATIONS and How THEY Wish To Engage and Interact With YOU!
Why SHOULD YOU PAY for above services when YOU CAN advertise forFREE on Facebook?  And YOU CAN reach a larger and more targeted audience?
That’s right YOU SHOULDN’T as you would NOT be utilising your most precious resources of (Time and Money) efficiently!
There are currently over 8 billion people spending significant amounts of time on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Google Plus……..surely it makes sense to have your business, products and services featured where YOUR future clients, affiliates and joint venture partners are spending their time?
 Change Number #4: Expert Positioning and Reputation Management Are Crucial To Your Business Success
If you’re an entrepreneur, small business owner or online marketer you need to tap into the very core of Social Media, because if you fail to keep up with the current trends…
It won’t be long before you’re sucked dry of every single advertising penny you have…and left paying catch up with YOUR competitors who will have been acquiring YOUR ideal clients by staying ahead of the curve.
And the fact is, and most experts don’t want you to know this, it’s never been easier than right now to harness the true money magnet power social media has to offer you.
All businesses rely on the power of reputation.Having yours managed and marketed professionally across the social media networks gives you a massive advantage over your competition…
The marketing exposure your business will generate by being marketed correctly on ANY social media site will be the difference between having a REAL business and failing…

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